Science and Muslim's development


Muslims are not in the Nobel Prize winner in this era due to which the new generation of Muslims is inferior to the lack of emotion. In fact, Muslims are not aware that the Muslims introduced the world to science and scientific behavior. Robert Briffault says his book "The making of humanity". Science demonstrates the new approach to new investigations, experience, observation,  and measurement, mathematics and completing the status of science, which Greek was completely unaware of these. The Arab Muslims introduced in the Europe of these new ways. Almost a hundred years, the Islamic world was the center of knowledge and art, science and technology, there was no invention or discovery that was not on the named of Muslims. The science started by the Greeks, but their science was theoretical, and the old Greek science has died. Muslims placed science-based research, observations, and experiences. Western experts like Robert Briffault also believed that in the Arab experimental methods had invented many centuries ago. Science is started in the Islamic world in the first century, in the era of Hazrat Amir Mu'awiyahh, the books of medicine are translated from Greek into Arabic, then his grandson Khalid stepped forward this work. After that, Mamoon Rashid instituted an Academy in the Baghdad 830 Hijri, named "Bait al-Hakmat" which has become a Center for Research in Science. Author of Ecclesiastical History says that it should be acknowledged that physics, psychology or philosophy, mathematics or chemistry, all the knowledge spread in Europe since the 14th century was originally acquired by Arab scholars. Without Muslims academic activities in the field of maths and science, it was difficult to born Galileo and Newton in Europe. The famous expert Philip k. Hitti says, By the end of the 13th century, both Arabic science and philosophy had moved to Europe. In the rising era of Muslims increased knowledge of ancient science and new science was founded. The inventor of Chemistry, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Geology etc. were Muslims. Muslims have greatly developed the rest of the branches of science, especially Mathematics and Physics. In the 12th and 13th century Muslims were beyond to Europe in astronomy and Mathematics. In the European development started in the 16th century. From 8th to 15th centuries, 700 years were the Muslims superpower in science. If Nobel Prize was in this era, Muslims would win at least 4,000 Nobel Prize.

Unfortunately, we do not get all the information about the services, inventions, and discoveries of Muslim scientists, because more than 3 crore books of Muslims have waste in fire and water.

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