Short information about human Fingerprint


Allah Almighty has given mankind many blessings and Allah Almighty has created a lot of things in us, but there has created some things that do not match each other, as the marks of human beings fingerprint. Whether you analyze millions of humans, but a fingerprint of a human being will not match from anyone in the world.

Perhaps you do not even know this that our fingerprints are once again reflected after erasing. The reason for this is that the fingerprint roots reach three layers below our skin. That is why fingerprints are usually the main source of access to criminals.

According to scientists, in the fourth month of pregnancy in the mother's womb, there are marks become on fingers, which remains same till to the death. The fingerprint consists of round and lined lines. Which is made from inner and outer parts of the skin. The hand lines of the human beings play a key role in identifying and recognizing any human. But the human did not know about it. However, two hundred years ago, the fingerprint was not important. since, at the end of the 19th century, it was discovered that the fingerprints of human beings differ from each other. Modern science has recently revealed that in the investigation of the crime, police will be able to get important information about the behavior of people through fingerprints very soon, which will help them to reach criminals, nowadays fingerprint is also used for security and identification purpose in all over the world. 

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